EZscape interlocking planter trays create an easy way for green roof designers and installers to provide clients with flexible modular green roofs that encourage creative landscaping on a wide range of surfaces.
Ponix is seeking collaborative partnerships and licensing relationships with designers, installers, and developers.
- Meets the requirements of Local Laws 92 and 94 in NYC
- Qualifies building owners for tax incentives in New York State, Chicago, IL, Washington, DC, Philadelphia, Toronto, Montreal, and elsewhere in the US and Canada.
- Simplifies extensive greenroofing with a secure modular planting system that can be installed directly on any rooftop surface.
- Creates portable landscapes for events, installations, and movie/performance sets.
- Is perfect for seasonal groundcover and bedding plants on terraces and hardscapes.
The proprietary design of the EZscape planter tray (U.S. patent pending #63703989) features:
- Tongue-in-groove edge profiles for secure interlocking arrays that eliminate gaps and minimize unsightly grid lines.
- A segmented cavity base specifically configured to air prune stray roots and provide a built-in protection and drain layer. Proven effective for over 20 years.
The initial EZscape module being offered is a durable polypropylene tray, nominally 18 inches square with a 3.25 inch planting depth. Other sizes may be available for custom installations.
Ponix MicroAg has its roots going back to 2002 when its founder, Chris Wark, established SHADE Consulting and Green Roof Innovations (GRI) with his wife Wendy, developing several innovative modular eco-roof systems, including the original design for EZscape.
For more information, please contact Chris Wark at cwark@pponix.com.
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